How much should I allocate to each section of my research article? #PhDlife

Why am I making notes on this?

The journal I am aiming to submit my work to has a 3000 word limit. My first draft was around 8500 words. The second draft is around 5000. I then decided to look at how many words each section was taking to see which sections needed the most work.

  • Introduction – 369
  • Methods – 1252
  • Results – 2450
  • Discussion – 757
  • Conclusion – 211

This made me think – what percentage of the word count should I allocate to each section so that I can have any chance of getting to the 3000 word limit? And should I think about submitting to a different journal?

What does the internet tell me?

I did a couple of internet searches: “percentages introduction methods results discussion conclusion” and “what percentage of word count should the results be”. This is a summary of what I found.

Structure to aim for

Based on the articles which I found, I’m going to aim for the following structure:

  • Introduction – 10% (300 words)
  • Methods – 15% (450 words)
  • Results and discussion 65% (1950 words) or approximately 1000 words for each section. 😱
  • Conclusion – 10% (300 words)


Now that I have a goal to aim for, I’ve got to get out the scissors and cut, cut, cut. Some of the information will need to be transferred to electronic supplements/appendices while maintaining the core message.

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